Are you looking for a way to keep track of your lawn care maintenance? Do you need to track when you mowed your lawn or put down fertilizer? We’re here to help with our free printable Lawn Care Maintenance Chart.
Why Keep Track of Lawn Maintenance?
Taking care of your lawn can be easy, if you know what to do and when to do it. Lawns need regular care including fertilizing, dethatching, aerating and mowing. While these might be simple jobs that most homeowners can handle on their own, it’s important to keep track of what you do so you know that everything gets done.

Lawn Care in the Spring
Spring can be a busy season, especially when it comes to lawn care. Here are a few things you’ll want to do:
- Dethatch your lawn
- Fertilize with a crabgrass preventer before the yellow flowers on the forcythia bushes fall
- Mow
- Put down grub control
- Trim around tough to mow areas
- Edge your grass where it meets your landscaping beds
- Fertilize with a weed and feed product around Memorial Day
- Water your lawn
Lawn Care in the Summer
- Raise the mowing height Mow to prevent your grass from burning and to keep weeds away
- Apply fertilizer in mid-August
- Water your lawn if it hasn’t rained
Lawn Care in the Fall
- Patch bare spots or overseed around Labor Day
- Aerate your lawn, especially if the soil has compacted
- Apply fall fertilizer toward the end of September/early October
- Test the PH of your soil
- Apply lime, if Ph is high
- Rake and pick up all leaves prior to winter
- Lower the mowing height as winter approaches
Keeping Track of Lawn Care Maintenance
While all of these lawn care maintenance tasks seem simple, it’s easy to forget when you mowed, fertilized or watered last. We’ve put together a free printable Lawn Care Maintenance Chart so you can track all of these items.

Just enter the date, check of what you completed, and jot down a description when needed.
Happy mowing!
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