Monthly Archives: November 2023

Household Checklist for November

Household Checklist for November

The holidays will be here soon, so there’s plenty to do around the house in November.  We’re here to help with our printable Household Checklist for November and detailed information for the projects you need to tackle this month. So let’s get started.

Pumpkin and gourds

Things to Do in November


  • Adjust clocks back one hour for Daylight Savings
  • Replace batteries in smoke detectors
  • Finish Fall Cleaning Indoors (see below for separate checklists)
  • Prepare pantry for flu and cold season
  • Update emergency food supplies
  • Clean out cupboards and make food donation
  • Continue Christmas preparations (see separate checklist)


  • Rake leaves
  • Clean gutters one last time before winter
  • Put down winter fertilizer
  • Take leaves off pool cover (if applicable)
  • Drain water from pool cover (if applicable)


  • Balance checkbook
  • Budget
  • Make Christmas lists and start shopping

Meal Planning

  • Plan and prepare Thanksgiving dinner
  • Plan upcoming birthdays, parties and events in December
  • Plan Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Year’s Eve

Details on November Projects

Here are some specific details on our November projects.  Just click on the link below to read more.

Thankgsiving Dinner

Planning Thanksgiving Dinner

Fall cleaning checklist bedroom

Fall Cleaning Checklists

Little Giant Pool Cover Pump

Tips on How to Drain Water from a Pool Cover

Gutters with Leaves

It’s Time to Clean Out Your Gutters

Leaves - oak

Do it yourself: How to clean up fall leaves

House Sitters Checklist

House Sitter’s Checklist

 Hats and scarves in binSimple ways to organize winter hats and mittens

Cold Virus Supplies - Sign

Are you ready for the cold virus season?

Stomach Bug Supplies

Stomach Bug Strikes Again: Is Your Pantry Stocked to Handle a Stomach Bug?

Emergency food Supplies

What’s In Your Emergency Food Bin?

Decluttering Signs

How to Declutter Your Home – Once and For All

Christmas Checklist - November

Preparing for the holidays – November Checklist

Shopping List By Store

Christmas Shopping Lists


Printable Household Checklist for November

Just click on the link below for a printable copy of our Household Checklist for November:

Household Checklist for November

Household Checklist for November

By scheduling time to handle these items in November, you’ll be sure to keep everything running smoothly in your household.

Next steps:

Need more ideas?  Check out our Toolbox tab above, along with our tab dedicated toward planning and organizing for Christmas.

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