Category Archives: Meals

Fall Cleaning: Tips on Cleaning Out Cabinets and Pantry

How is your fall cleaning going?  Part of this process is to clean out your cabinets.  November is a great time of year to tackle this project, since so many organizations are looking for food donations.  So let’s get started.

Tips on Cleaning Out Your Cabinets/Pantry:

  • Take one shelf at a time.
  • Toss any items that have expired.
  • Donate non-perishable items you may not use or just over-purchased.
  • Incorporate remaining food on your Meal Planner to ensure it is used.

Where to donate food

Most communities have shelters or food banks that collect groceries for people in need.  In addition, many organizations are running food drives this time of year.  Check your town newspapers for dates and times of collections.  Below are some additional places that accept food donations:

  • Grocery stores often have bins set up for food donations
  • Local libraries take up a collection around Thanksgiving
  • Radio stations sponsor food drives to fill up a truck
  • Churches usually collect food, or know of a donation center
  • Homeless shelters are always in need of donations

Unless you are going directly to a shelter with a refrigerator, or a food drive with a refrigerated truck on site, you’ll want to donate non-perishable food items.  Examples of non-perishable items include:

  • Peanut butter
  • Canned soup
  • Canned meats and fish
  • Canned vegetables, fruits and juices
  • Boxed goods (such as cereal)
  • Pasta and rice

Here are some additional articles you may enjoy:

Household Checklist for November

Fall Cleaning Checklists

What’s In Your Emergency Food Bin?

Setting Up A Pantry

What’s For Dinner Tonight? The Importance of Weekly Meal Planning