Category Archives: Meals

Halloween Wrap Up: Be Sure to Assess the Day

How did your Halloween go?  Was it successful?  Did you forget anything?  Do you wish you could have done something differently?  Before you move on to Thanksgiving, be sure to assess your Halloween with our printable Party and Event Assessment form.

What Went Well on Halloween?

Start by thinking about the successful part of your Halloween.  Think about:

  • What went really well?
  • Are there things you would keep the same?

Jot down your top items that made your Halloween a success.  These are the items you will want to repeat again next year.  There were several things that went well for us:

  • Saved money by using existing costumes: Current football uniform and a hand-me-down costume
  • Prepared our bucket of Halloween candy the Wednesday before Halloween
  • Had a lot of fun by going out with friends to trick-or-treat as a large group
  • Brought an extra bag to hold the excess candy
  • Dressed warm enough; lucky that the weather was mild and in the 50’s

What didn’t go well on Halloween?

Next, it’s time to think about things that just didn’t work:

  • Did you run out of candy?
  • Was everyone dressed warm enough?
  • Did your kids start trick-or-treating too late in the evening?

Write down the things that went wrong, so that next year you can make some changes.  Here’s what we need to fix for next year:

  • Don’t plan on having mums.  There were too many hard frosts.  Even though we brought the mums indoors, it was hard to keep them looking good.
  • Forgot our light sticks at home.  They were on the checklist, but someone left them on the dining room table. Oops!

Things to do next time

Lastly, write down a few things you want to do next year.  By documenting your thoughts now, it will make it much easier for next year.  Here are the changes we will make:

  • Put out more candy.  This year Halloween was on a Saturday night, so we prepared 45 bags with 4 pieces of candy.  Everything was gone by 7:45.
  • Tip: In 2016, Halloween will fall on a Monday.  Depending on the weather, we will probably need fewer bags.
  • Personally, we wish we could celebrate Halloween on the last Saturday in October.  It makes it easier when the holiday is on the weekend, and not a school night.  Anyone else in favor of this change? 🙂

Printable Halloween Assessment

As with every holiday, party, and event, it’s important to take an assessment when everything is over.  Just click on the link below to print our assessment form:

Party and Event Assessment.docx

Party and Event Assessment Chart

Happy planning!

Here are a few additional articles from our website that you may enjoy:

Halloween Checklist

Halloween Checklist You Can’t Miss

Halloween bucket of candy treats

Don’t gyp the kids: How to give out Halloween candy when you’re not home

Party and Event Assessment.docx

The Party is Over and It’s Time to Assess