Category Archives: Maintenance

Running A Household Celebrates 4th Anniversary

We are excited to announce that February 22nd marks the fourth anniversary of Running a Household.  We are thankful to you, our readers.  Whether you follow us on Facebook, joined our e-mail subscription list, or just stop in from time to time to read our articles, we are so happy to have you.

Running A Household: How can we help you?

Running A Household is a place where you can get ideas and tools for running a successful home.  We are located in New England, and spend our time in Western Massachusetts and Eastern Connecticut.  Our site offers articles and printable checklists to help you with things around the home.

Just click on the area that interests you most to get started:

A Year in Review

This year, we made some minor changes to the look of our website.  We updated the main picture and added the caption “Welcome to Running a Household.”  We also changed the background to a more eye-appealing green pattern, to match the foliage in the picture.  We hope you enjoy this new look.

Running A Household 2017

Time Management

Our Time Management articles and printable checklists have grown in popularity, so we now have a dedicated section on our Main Menu.  Areas of interest include:

  • Blank Calendars and Schedules to Manage Your Daily Routine
  • Printable Forms to Set Up Your Schedule
  • Tips to Handle Feeling Stressed or Overwhelmed
  • Checklists for Staying on Top of Household Chores

Be sure to check our new Time Management Page.

We are looking forward to our fifth year, and hope you will continue to join us!