Monthly Archives: September 2013

Fall Cleaning Checklists

It’s that time of year again.  Yes, it’s time to start your Fall Cleaning.  To help you track your progress, you’ll find several large print Fall Cleaning Checklists below:

Fall Cleaning Checklist – Bathroom

Fall Cleaning Checklist – Bedroom

Fall Cleaning Checklist – Dining Room

Fall Cleaning Checklist – Family Room

Fall Cleaning Checklist – Kitchen

Fall Cleaning Checklist – Outdoors

Select Your Style of Fall Cleaning

  1. The lists are arranged room by room.  So, you can take two hours and clean the bedroom.
  2. Task by task: You make want to handle a task all in one day.  For example, instead of vacuuming and shampooing the rugs in each room on separate days, you may want to vacuum and shampoo the rugs all on one day.

Helpful Fall Cleaning Tips

  1. Be sure to schedule time to handle fall cleaning.  Maybe you can set aside two hours every day at the same time.  For example: 10-12 every morning.  Or, maybe you prefer every Saturday morning, from 9-12.  Whatever you decide, you’ll find that it will get done if you put it on the schedule.
  2. If you’re planning to power-wash the house, do this before your clean your windows.
  3. Listen to music while you work.  It helps keep you motivated and moving faster.
  4. Open the windows while you clean.  Bringing in fresh air makes the room feel fresh and clean.
  5. Use the months of September and October to take care of your fall cleaning.  By using these months to handle the bulk of the cleaning, you can rest assured that your home will be clean before the holidays.

Happy Fall Cleaning!

Be sure to check out these additional articles:

Household Checklist for September

Fall Decorating Ideas

Toolbox: Maintenance Schedules