Monthly Archives: August 2013

Is your house a mess? Not sure where to start?

Sometimes, daily and weekly cleaning can get pushed to the back burner.  This can leave for a dirty and cluttered home.  Here are a few tips to get your place back into order:

Where to start

Start at the entrance way.  This is the area where you and your guests first enter the house.  Sometimes, starting right outside the door can help motivate you.  Sweep the area and clean the windows.  Add some seasonal plants, and confirm that any decorations are up to date for the current season.  This will motivate you to continue cleaning the rest of your house.

Next, move to the inside.  Start with the room closest to the entrance way, and move through each room, tackling the following tasks:

  • Put away all of the clutter
  • Sweep and vacuum
  • Dust the furniture

Continue this process in each room.  

Set Aside Time Everyday 

You may find it helpful to work on this project for one week.  Set a time every day, and plug along.  For example, clean every morning from 9 – 11 a.m.  Limit yourself to 2 hour blocks of time; otherwise you’ll burn out on the first day of cleaning. 

On a similar note, maybe you have one room in your house that has become a dumping ground for all of the clutter.  It’s true; you’re not the only one who has a junk room in the cellar.  🙂   Use the same process of cleaning up: aim for 1-2 hours each time.  In this case, it can be two hours every day for 1-2 weeks, or 1-2 hours every Monday night.  Pick a time that works best for you.

Happy Cleaning!