Category Archives: Meals

How to Plan Your Easter Meal: Schedule for the Day

Are you the lucky host for Easter?  If so, you’ll want to set up a timeline for the day, so that everything runs smoothly. 

1.  Determine what time you want to eat.

For our example, let’s say that dinner will be served at 2:00 p.m.

2.  Next, determine what time your guests should arrive.

For our dinner, we are asking guests to arrive at 1:00 p.m.

 Note: We know that some guests will arrive a little earlier, and some will run late.  Therefore, we expect the overall arrive time between 12:45 – 1:15.

 Our social hour is planned for 1:00 – 2:00.

 3.  Fill out the Easter Meal Timeline to determine your cooking times and tasks for the day.

We will serve a pork roast.  It weighs just under 3 pounds, and needs to cook ½ hour per pound.  Once it comes out of the oven, it will sit for 15 minutes prior to carving.  This keeps it nice and juicy.

Be sure to check out:

Easter Meal Timeline – Sample

We’ve also included a blank page so that you can fill out one for your Easter meal:

Easter Meal Timeline – Blank

Happy Easter!

For additional ideas, check out these articles:

Easter Dinner Planning List

It’s Time to Decorate for Easter

How to Get Ready for Easter