Category Archives: Maintenance

Cleaning Up After a Dinner Party

The party is over.  Literally.  Now it’s time to get your home back in order.  Follow this checklist and your place will be back to normal in no time:

The day of the party:

  • Load and run the dishwasher right after dinner
  • Rinse wine glasses; if time allows: hand-wash glasses and put away
  • Rinse pots and pans
  • Wash table cloth and cloth napkins
  • Empty dishwasher; load and run one more time tonight
  • Take out the trash

The day after the party:

  • Empty dishwasher and load again
  • Wash large platters by hand
  • Assess leftovers and include in your weekly meal planner
  • Vacuum
  • Mop
  • Take down party decorations
  • Upload pictures to computer; share with friends

By now you should feel like your house is back to normal.  Maybe it’s time to start planning the next party. 🙂