Category Archives: Time Management

Time Management: Improve Your Evening Routine

With only so many hours in the day, it’s important to have a good schedule to keep your house in order.  Let’s take a look at your evening routine to see if there’s any room for improvement.

First, jot down the things you do late in the afternoon and early evening.  You can use our weekly schedule below, which charts time out in 15 minute increments.

Schedule – Weekday

Next, assess your routine.  Do you feel good about the use of this time?  Is there anything you can add to make your evening routine more productive?  Would it help to eliminate any items to make your life less stressful during this time?

Sample Evening Routine

Let’s take a look at a sample evening schedule with chores:

5:00 – 6:00  Make and Eat supper

6:00 – 6:30  Clean up dishes and kitchen (take out trash)

6:30 – 7:30  Evening Chore Time (vacuum, mop, laundry)

7:30 – 8:00  Bedtime routine for kids: pajamas, brush teeth, read books

8:00 – 11:00 Relax, read, watch tv

                     Or quiet chores: dust, pay bills, make grocery list, fold laundry

The key is to have a routine for every weekday.

A friend of mine always did her cleaning on Thursday nights, and grocery shopping on Friday nights.  That way, her house was in good order for the weekend, when she hosted family dinners.  Her Thursday night cleaning routine included: vacuuming rugs, dusting furniture, mopping floors, and cleaning the bathroom.

Laundry is still one of those flexible chores.  You can do one load per day, or as needed.  Alternatively, all of the laundry can be done on the same day.  Do whatever works best for you.

A good schedule will help you to run your household.  🙂

Need help setting up your routine?  Read our article called Household Chores – Weekly Checklist. You’ll find:

  • a list of daily and weekly chores
  • steps on setting up your week and
  • printables to set up your schedule.