Category Archives: Time Management

Tackling Your Unfinished Items

Sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day.  With so much to do, some things are bound to slip through the cracks.  Consider using the last week of each quarter to wrap up unfinished items.

Household Checklists – Month by Month

At Running A Household, we use monthly lists to ensure our projects and tasks get done.  Check out our monthly household calendars here:

Toolbox: Household Checklists – Month by Month

At the end of each month, and then again at the end of each quarter, tackle any items that are not completed:

  • Quarter 1: January, February, and March
  • Quarter 2: April, May, and June
  • Quarter 3: July, August and September
  • Quarter 4: October, November and December

Could  you use a few more time management ideas?  You may find these articles helpful:

Tool Box: Time Management Schedule

Is your house a mess? Not sure where to start?

Time Management: Setting Priorities

Household Chores – Weekly Checklist