Monthly Archives: April 2013

When Tragedy Strikes

Sometimes bad things happen.  That was the case here in New England on Monday, April 15th at the Boston Marathon.  Tragedies can be caused by people, or by nature.  Lives can be lost in the blink of an eye.  Why these things happen are unexplainable, and so unfair.

As you are running your household, it is sometimes important to pause and reflect on life.  Be sure to appreciate each and every day, as well as those around you.

In the wake of a tragedy, people feel the need to do something to help.  At Running A Household, we’ve compiled a few thoughts on getting through difficult times.  When tragedy strikes:

  1. Say a prayer.
  2. Make a donation to a charity.  The Red Cross is one organization that helps people who experience a tragedy.
  3. Volunteer in your community.  Helping out can truly make a difference.
  4. Provide a random act of kindness to a stranger.

While doing these things will not bring back the loss of life, it can help those around you who are in need.

Our hearts ache for those who were killed or injured at the Boston Marathon.  🙁

Stay safe everyone.