Category Archives: What’s Blooming

Fresh Flower Ideas for Spring

Flowers can brighten your day.  They are pleasing to the eye, and can make you happy.  Consider having fresh flowers on a regular basis.

Placement of Flowers

Fresh flowers make a great centerpiece for a dining room table.  However, if your table is in a separate room, consider placing fresh flowers where you will see them often:

  • Next to your kitchen sink
  • On a table in your entrance way
  • At your desk
  • In the living or family room

I even cut a few fresh flowers and keep them in a small vase at the bathroom sink.  Grape hyacinths and yellow daffodils make great cut flowers.

Fresh Flower Ideas for Spring

Do you need some inspiration?  Check out our photos below, which show several ideas for fresh-cut spring flower arrangements.


I love to have fresh tulips in the house.  They remind me that spring is here.  This yellow and pink mix are a sure sign of spring.

Pink and yellow tulips

Pink and yellow tulips with bright pink ribbon


Daffodils are another great cut flower to have in a vase.  These yellow and orange daffodils are ready to pick.

Yellow and orange tulips

Yellow and orange daffodils in rock garden



If the bulbs aren’t blooming in your area yet, your local florist or grocery store should have a great selection of flowers.   Carnations are simple, inexpensive, and very pretty.  The carnations below were prepared with baby’s breath and ferns.

Carnations in Vase

Red, white and pink carnations with baby’s breath


Spring is a great time to explore what’s blooming in your yard.  Traditionally, forsythia are one of the first bushes to bloom in the yard.  These bright yellow flowers are sure to brighten your day.

Forsythia in glass vase

Forsythia in glass vase

Potted Plants

Sometimes even just a small potted plant with colorful flowers can brighten up your day.  Consider hyacinths, but beware of their strong fragrance.  These bright pink hyacinths are blooming nicely.

Pink potted hyacinths

Pink potted hyacinths

More Fresh Flower Ideas for Spring

1. Need more inspiration?  Check out our board on Pinterest called “Spring Flower Arrangements.”

2.  You’re invited: Do you have some great photos or ideas for fresh spring flowers?

  • Follow us on Pinterest
  • We’ll invite you to join our Spring Flower Arrangements Board
  • Then pin your suggestions to our “Spring Flower Arrangement” board.

We can’t wait to see your suggestions!  Click on the link below to visit us on Pinterest:

Running A Household – Pinterest

Happy Spring! 🙂