Category Archives: What’s Blooming

What’s Blooming in July

Did you ever wonder what blooms in July? We’ve put together a summary of some of the flowers and trees that bloom in Zone 5 in July:

  • Black-eyed Susan
  • Blue hydrangea
  • Butterfly Bush
  • Daylillies (Yellow and Orange)
  • Phlox
  • Rose of Sharon
  • Roses: all types and colors (salmon, red, yellow, pink, white, peach)
  • Shasta daisies
  • Snapdragon
  • White hydrangea
  • Zinnias

There are also raspberries and blueberries which are out in full force in July.

In addition, annuals and garden plants are developing nicely.  Vegetables that are ready for picking in July include: jalapeno peppers, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes.  The zucchini, corn and beans started from seed are just about ready.

Annuals are coming along nicely, including flowers such as marigolds, snapdragon, and zinnia to name a few.  Asters will be ready to pick in August.

Be sure to look at our calendar for July:

July 2013

Happy gardening. 🙂

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