Category Archives: Time Management

Christmas Shopping list by store

Tips for Shopping and Tracking Your Holiday Purchases

Ready.  Set.  Shop.  With so many gifts to purchase, do you have a way to keep track of them all?  Check out our tips and suggestions for shopping and tracking your holiday gifts.

Shopping Lists

Once you’ve made your lists for family and friends, it’s time to start shopping. To make shopping more efficient, consider making a list for each store.  It’s much easier to shop if you know exactly which items you need to buy.  Check out our free printable shopping list below:

 Shopping List by Store  (two pages – print the one you like best)

Set Up an Envelope for Receipts

While we strive to purchase that perfect gift, there are bound to be some gifts that need to be exchanged or returned.  Establish a large envelope to hold the receipts from all of your holiday purchases.  Just slip them in the envelope, and they will all be in one place when you need them later.

On-line Shopping

Today, it is so much easier and cheaper to shop on-line.  If you do a lot of on-line shopping, consider using our Shipping Tracker to confirm you’ve received all of your parcels.  While it’s easy to get all of your shopping done on-line, you’ll want a system to know what arrived, and what is missing.  Check out our free printable Shipping Tracker below:

Shipping Tracker

Just enter the date of your order and the name of the store.  When the package arrives, place a check mark in the box.   If one item didn’t ship, make a note on the tracker so you can follow-up on it.

Happy Shopping!

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