Category Archives: Time Management

printable Christmas Checklist for November

Preparing for the holidays – November Checklist

The holiday season will be here soon.  Check out our printable checklist of things to do in November.  It will keep you organized and on track so that you can enjoy the holiday season.

Things to Do in November

  • Finish fall cleaning to avoid major cleaning right before Thanksgiving
  • Address or put labels on holiday cards
  • Set up indoor decorations (i.e. villages)
  • Set up outdoor lights and decorations (before it snows or gets too cold)
  • Finalize Christmas Shopping Lists for family and friends – printable chart below
  • Plan Black Friday shopping
  • Store gifts purchased in one area, or on a shelf
  • Decorate tree (anytime after Thanksgiving)

Things to Buy

  • Shop for holiday outfits
  • Purchase wrapping paper, bows and bags
  • Purchase stamps for holiday cards
  • Start shopping for gifts

Holiday Planning

  • Schedule a day or two to wrap gifts
  • Plan for holiday party
  • Plan for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

These are just a few things you can do ahead of time, to make your holiday season more enjoyable.

Be sure to print our November Checklist so that you stay organized.

Christmas Checklist - November

Christmas Checklists – November

Here are a few additional articles you may enjoy:

Toolbox: Printable Address List Tracker

Fall Cleaning Checklists

Simple ways to organize gift wrap paper and bows

Christmas Shopping Lists

Next steps:

Need more ideas?  Check out our Toolbox tab above, along with our tab dedicated toward planning and organizing for Christmas:  Click here for more Christmas articles and free printables.

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